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RECAP 091001—Happy LGBT History Month, IL & DC Marriage, NV Domestic Partnerships

Well, I hope you like the new Recap format. Rather than go story by story, or category by category as I did before, I've decided to go top daily headlines on a site-by-site basis. You can click on the link to the left for the sites whose headlines you want to check out, and find those stories near the top of the page. Please let me know what you think. In future posts I will add "Around the web" where I will give links to headlines from sites not listed. If you think there's a site I should list or one I shouldn't, please let me know!


On Ameriqueer: TBP--Marriage Equality Bill Introduced in Illinois Senate: Matches House Version, Let the President go golf, I'd rather Michelle anyway!, New Look/New Posts

On Big Gay News: Minneapolis Church Votes to Leave ELCA Over Gay Clergy, DC Councilman to Introduce Gay Marriage Bill, Study Finds More Gay Characters on Network TV

On Bilerico: How much do you want hate crimes legislation to pass?, Military journal calls for an end to DADT, Black queers are tying the knot, Abstinence-only funding is still winning votes

On Pam's House Blend: Press Release from Californians Against Hate's Fred Karger (on Maine), Video break: Michele Bachmann - "Sex Clinics" In Schools Will Result From Health Care Reform, Doctors deny lesbian moms insemination based on 'moral grounds', SFMM's Press Release re: NOM/ Maine Ethic Committee Vote To Investigate, Family Research Council head misrepresents credible information to hurt ENDA, What if you couldn't even vote to Approve Ref. 71?

On Joe.My.God: NH Marriage Repeal Underway, NEM Seeks Volunteers, Nate Silver On Maine's Chances: GOOD, New Jersey: Growing GOP Push For 2010 Ballot On Marriage

On BoxTurtleBulletin: Marriage Bill to be Presented in D.C. Next Tuesday, Maggie's Money to be Investigated, Federal Court Throws Out Suit Against Miami Hospital By Lesbian Barred From Dying Partner, Lots of Interest in What the Bible Says in Kalamazoo

On Towleroad: Fred Karger on Maine's Decision to Investigate NOM, Marriage Equality Bill Introduced in Illinois Senate, Harry Reid Pressures Obama, Gates on 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell', Gay Former Marine Speaks Out About Vandalized Memphis Billboard

On LawDork: Countering the Lies: An EHEA Update for OH LGBT, American Families, Our Families (President Obama and including LGBT families on Family Day), ENDA Roundtable!

On AmericaBlogGay: The White House responds to the Reid letter on DADT, Excellent background on all the lies from FOX and the religious right surrounding Kevin Jennings, I'm smelling more than a little homophobia surrounding Mike Allen and the Politico, Nevada's new domestic partnership law takes effect today

On Good As You: Major Maine development[s]!, D.C. to Dignify.Commitments?, A closer look at Donald Mendell, Stand For Marriage Maine's latest talking point, We don't want to ruin your days, Linds. We also don't want you to ruin our marriages/truths/families/rights/protections

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