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Archbishop: Suicide Bombers Are Better Than Married Gays

From the greatest minds of the Catholic Church (AKA, this is why I'm not Catholic anymore:
"Having become almost as much a referendum on what it means to be Catholic as on the legal status of relationships, the controversy over Bill 185 may seem to have already been dialed right up to eleven, but last week, the local Archdiocese took it up another notch when they distributed a three-page statement titled 'On High Stakes of Bill 185' to the press. The most controversial part of the letter condemned homosexuality as part of what Pope John Paul II called 'the culture of death,' and implicitly praised the moral standards of Islamic fundamentalist suicide bombers:

The culture of homosexuality is a culture of self-absorption because it does not value self-sacrifice. It is a glaring example of what John Paul II has called the culture of death. Islamic fundamentalists clearly understand the damage that homosexual behavior inflicts on a culture. That is why they repress such behavior by death. Their culture is anything but one of self-absorption. It may be brutal at times, but any culture that is able to produce wave after wave of suicide bombers (women as well as men) is a culture that at least knows how to value self-sacrifice."

Terrorists are helping fight the culture of death by killing themselves and others who are guilty of love. Gee Archbishop, you must be the pride and joy of your Seminary. Was your entire K-12/post secondary education online?

The Catholic Church's hierarchy has largely come to represent hate and bigotry, when it once represented love and generosity. We're back to the Renaissance when the Church's backwards beliefs and traditions drove people away in... well... droves. These bankrupt bishops (I use the term both financially and morally) have shown time and time again that their thin grip on reality is largely lost and that its best if they go back to trying to solve Social Justice issues, rather than try to get involved in moral debates. Shame on this Bishop who would do himself a LOT of good if he resigned and disappeared, because he's pretty much got NO moral authority ANYMORE after these statements.


Anonymous said…
Who said this?! Which Archbishop?
Ameriqueer said…
"...Gerhard Schwab, a professor at the University of Guam has begun organizing other Catholics to speak up against the stance expressed in the letter by circulating a petition. "I'm Catholic, but I want to think," Schwab told the Pacific Daily News. "I think if my leadership is wrong, I have a responsibility to share my opinions. ... I personally would have wished the archbishop comes out in favor of giving recognition to same-gender partnerships." And specifically, Schwab wants the archbishop to apologize for the letter. "It's outrageous to say that we should learn from the Taliban on how to oppress minorities," he said. "And that's basically what [Archbishop Anthony Apuron] said."

From the same article. Link at the top of the Ameriqueer post.
Anonymous said…
NM I found it ...Archbishop Anthony Apuron. So the Archbishop suggests suicide, which is a mortal sin, is ok now as long as it is done to blow up women and children.

The killing of gays (or anyone for that matter) is now endorsed by the church? Have they gone completely mad or are we going back to the days of the crusades?

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