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Q:091028--Hate Crimes Bill Signed, HIV Travel ban lift approved, Scholastic news, 3-2-1!

Visit great LGBT media sources for more news: 365gay | Advocate | Out Mag | Instinct Mag | In the Life

ENDA Legislator of the day: Tell IN Senator Lugar: No Small Business Will Be Harmed In The Making of This Law

CDC approves the removal of US HIV travel ban!



On Big Gay News: Obama Signs Bill Expanding Hate Crimes Law, Six More Arrests Over Liverpool Gay Attack, Chiefs’ Larry Johnson Apologizes for Gay Slur, Spokesman Says Scientologists Aren’t Anti-Gay

On Bilerico: Blog This: The Battleground Basics (MUST READ!!!), Obama Signs Matthew Shepard/James Byrd Hate Crimes Bill into Law, Politicians fall further behind the public on LGB legislation, Atlanta Eagle owner speaks out: Pride committee makes changes, Picking an Easier Target

On Pam’s House Blend: YouTube Extravaganza! LaBarbera/Camenker/Madore "Rally", "Her R71 ballot was the last document that she attached her signature to.", U. S. District Court in Maine DENIES NOM's Attempt To Hide Donors, Federal judge rebukes Reject 71 but can't stop wave of Colorado cash,

On BoxTurtleBulletin: Two Senators on Marriage, Procreative Activity, HPV Vaccine OKed for Males

On Towleroad: Attorney General Eric Holder Praises Hate Crimes Law, Lacks Familiarity with Maine Marriage Equality Ballot Measure, Senator Arlen Specter: Repeal DOMA, Pass ENDA, Rescind DADT, 'Pro-Family' Group Slams Obama Program for Elderly Gays Because gays won't 'Live Long Enough' to Benefit,

On AmericaBlogGay: Religious right demanding that Mars (aka Snickers), Domino's and Ikea take a stand against gay couples adopting children, Att Gen Holder doesn't have enough knowledge about Maine Question 1 to comment, Latest on intersexed South African runner, Caster Semenya, Family Research Council: Obama program to help gay elderly is wasted since gays die young anyway. Is FRC again using "science" of known hate group?, ESPN's blatant homophobia

On Good As You: Maggie Gallagher and Peter LaBarbera: Birds of a 'yes on 1' feather!, Kala-Maine-ington, Deaf ear + blind eye towards problem = folks willing to 'deaf-eye' the law

Great Organizations: get involved: HRC | NGLTGF | GLAAD | Victory Fund | NCLR | Lambda Legal | PFLAG | NYAC | GLSEN |Immigration Equality | SLDN | SU |ME-USA | SoulForce | EAA | JTI

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