MY NEWEST BILERICO PIECE: STAND FOR MARRIAGE MAIN IS FORCING CHILDREN TO LEARN ABOUT SAME-SEX MARRIAGE ! There is a sinister force at work right now trying to take the innocence away from our children, undermine and tear our families apart, and corrupt and recruit a generation of Americans--the youngest generation--to buy into their terrifying agenda. Stand For Marriage Maine has forced children all across Maine to become aware of the existence of same-sex couples and the possibility of same-sex marriage. Millions of children in Maine, who would have otherwise not ever known that gay people exist, are being inundated by an avalanche of television and radio ads that force them to hear every gory detail about the existence of homosexuality and the reality of same-sex marriage... Read more at STAND FOR MARRIAGE MAIN IS FORCING CHILDREN TO LEARN ABOUT SAME-SEX MARRIAGE !
LGBT News and views with a smile. Because Optimism is free.