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ROUNDUP 702 - NEA, DADT, GLAAD, ENDA, JTI, EFCA, IL, NY, CA, TX, PA, SC, INDIA, CANADA, UK, SWEDEN, Mormons, HPV, AGT... And TONS and TONS of news from around the world!

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In.D.C|| The National Education Association (NEA) is considering a resolution in support of Marriage Equality! HRC is kicking off a National DADT Repeal tour with the help of US Rep Patrick Murphy (D-PA) who is sponsoring the repeal! GLAAD is launching a project to combat homophobia in online forums! #yayglaadyourock! Meanwhile, LGBT grassroots powerhouse organization Join The Impact launches Fairness Works to focus on the passage of ENDA and the Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA)!

STATE2STATE|| Here in ILLINOIS, our less-than-favorite Senator, Roland Burris comes out AGAINST DADT. EXODUS is coming right here to ILLINOIS! In NEW YORK, one of the great institutions of gay media shut its doors today--The NY Blade suspends publication. However, NEXT Magazine, HX's competitor, may be saving that particular New York publication.

All about CALIFORNIA, BoxTurtleBulletin explains why the "Ex-Gay" question will be Central to the Federal Prop 8 lawsuit--'is sexuality immutable and irreversible?' If so, today could be the beginning of the end for Prop 8. LAWDORK breaks down what today's hearing will mean. Meanwhile, near San Diego, sailor August Provost was found dead at Camp Pendleton on Tuesday in a possible hate crime murder. He was openly gay (and adorable) on his myspace.

Are TEXAS public intoxication laws allowing authorities to abuse their authority? The agents from the TABC involved in smashing Chad Gibson's scull are now on desk duty. State Legislators are pissed and want answers. ALL OF THIS HAS LED TO THE FWPD TO SUSPEND WORKING WITH THE TABD!!! And a documentary is calling for testimonials if you were there.

Can ENDA pass in PENNSYLVANIA? Is Mark Sanford holding on to SOUTH CAROLINA's Governorship because the Lieutenant Governor is gay?

AROUND/THE/GLOBE|| In INDIA, a New Delhi court decriminalized homosexuality in the Indian Capital. Here is a very personal reaction from a Indian now living in Canda. Pam's got the verbiage. A CANADIAN HIV/AIDS vaccine is ready for human trials in the USA. In a surprise move, the UK Conservative party apologized for anti-gay section 28 legislation from 1988 which banned the promotion of "homosexuality as a pretend family relationship" in schools until 2003. Meanwhile that same party is trying to add 7 more openly gay MPs in parliament. SWEDISH parents giving child a chance to live free of gender restrictions.

SPIRITq || Nobody Knows is the story of black Mormons and interracial Mormon Marriages--an interesting look inside a very slow moving church. Marriage isn't so sanct for the heterosexuals anymore; I agree with this judge about ending disposable marriage.

DR.DIVA|| The HPV vaccine works to prevent HPV just as well in men as in women.

OFF/THE/MAP|| Queerty produces "Texts From Last Night: Gay Edition!" The NYC Gay Men's Chorus goes forward on "America's Got Talent" thanks to Beyonce's "Single Ladies!" A new LGBT travel site/home exchange emerges!

OURstory|| Father Tony finishes up his series of video of the Pride-Week panel by the surviving founders of the Gay Liberation Front.



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