Ameriqueer just got a little brighter! Check out the new look and make sure you check out @Ameriqueer on Twitter, Ameriqueer's new Twitter presence! Subscribe to @Ameriqueer from your mobile device for the best breaking LGBT news every day!
With the new look, I'd also like to note that we're looking for more Ameriqueer contributors! If you're interested in contributing to Ameriqueer, email me at! We're looking for bright and witty writers who have a passion for current LGBT news and issues, and want to help us in our mission to promote community advocacy! We're also looking for someone who can juggle the many Ameriqueer web properties, and will help to make managing all of them a simpler task!
If you're interested in becoming a part of the Ameriqueer team, please email, and we'll make it happen!
Phil "The Gaytriot Ameriqueer!"