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HAPPY HOUR 618 - What will happen with that DNC fundraiser; more on ME, IL, WI, NY and GAY ANIMALS!

FIRST: Last night I had so much fun on the Lundon Calling show. I will be sure to get a link up once it becomes available for download, most likely by Saturday. Once again there was a little trouble with the live feed, but it was a real good time, nonetheless!

ON.D.C.|| The New Civil Rights Movement blog asks: What If They Threw A Democratic National Committee Fundraiser And No One Came? The DNC is about to learn what happens when the ATM goes down: Two More Drop Out of LGBT DNC Fundraiser Over DOMA Brief. Barney Frank to reintroduce ENDA next week. Sen. Gillibrand Pledges To Sponsor DADT Repeal, Says "I Stand With Dan Choi". Open lesbian Randi Weingarten Resigns from one of America's most powerful teachers unions. The D.C. Board of Elections decided not to allow a voter referendum to strike down out-of-state Equal Marriage recognition, and now the sponsors of that referendum are asking a court to rule that courts don't get to decide D.C. Marriage rules. WHITE/HOUSE/WATCH: I have to side with the President over PETA here: PETA Loves Flies Too. Even though I'm not happy with EVERYTHING this administration has done in terms of LGBT gaffs, its easy to remember why I DON'T vote Republican in National elections: GOP Rep Calls Obama A "Cream Puff". Even David Link has to hand it to the President on handing Frank Kameny the pen, which I blogged about earlier. Michelangelo Signorile: We Have Made Our Point. Great news from Hilary Clinton's end of the Executive Branch: State Dept. policy change lets gay couples get passports under married name. Obama to act on anti-trans civil service discrimination, has no timeline on DOMA. Obama Considering Gay Man for Top Pentagon Post. In this week, the week before we celebrate the FORTIETH anniversary of the Stonewall Riots on that hot June night in 1969, we've witnessed the biggest LGBT uprising against the establishment since that glorious night--A Fitting Stonewall 40-The Blog Riots.

State2State|| MAINE is in trouble--Maine Haters Hire Yes On 8 Firm. While ILLINOIS has a while to wait and see if the Civil Unions Bill will get passed this legislative session, there's some bad news: New reports shows most of Illinois LGBT youth are harassed. When it comes to Domestic Partnership protections, we can officially declare Victory in WISCONSIN! Not Giving Up on Marriage Equality in NEW YORK!

PINK|BUCK|| Here Networks LLC and Its Publishing Affiliate Complete Merger Deal With PlanetOut Inc.

ON/THE/CALENDER|| Friday June 26th: NYC Drag March!

OURstory|| Before HRC, NGLTF, ACT-UP, Gay Liberation Front and Barney Frank, there was the Mattachine society, founded by my #1 hero Harry Hay. Learn more of your LGBT History: The Temperamentals. Now a Broadway hit!

OFF/THE/MAP|| And Now, A Joke From Free Republic. In Entertainment: Cher Releases Statement in Support of Chaz Bono's Transition. PBS Bans New Religious Shows. In Science: Gay Animals Key to Species' Survival: Study.



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