First: NOMNOMNOM's and Miss Cali-Phobia's Press Conference on discriminating against Americans was right next door to a Press Conference for the new Poll that shows 59% of Americans want to end Don't Ask Don't Tell. This same Press Conference where Miss Prejean used her sound science to predict the end of procreation as we know it. Keith Olbermann took care of her later. But their new commercial is disappeared, thanks to a copyright claim by Perez Hilton!
Nationally: This is not good. Thursday, within hours of having myself posted about the White House's 8 point LGBT Civil Rights Goals, The President's page had been re-written to all but write out the LGBT Rights. WHERE HAVE THE GOALS GONE? Also, Leftie Justice Souter is stepping down--its great that Obama will be able to replace some of the left leaning justices, but America'd really be better off if this guy left. I feel kind of bad for the hole Michael Steele keeps digging himself. What Barney Frank said to help get the Hate Crimes Bill passed. Where does America stand on LGBT Equality? Hint: its pretty good!
State2State: Don't know if there will be anymore information from NEW HAMPSHIRE or MAINE today--doubtful--but I'll keep you posted. In both states the Marriage Equality Bills that passed the Senate are heading to their Houses. Neither state's Governor has indicated he'd veto it, though MAINE's Governor seems a little more supportive. Though not QUITE as supportive as THIS GUY!
Off the Blotter: Wildly, my Catholic School in the 1990's allowed us to bring same-sex Prom dates--no big deal. Most people just go with their friends anyway. But this public school in 2009 is telling gays upfront they won't be welcome. It's ABC NEWS's fault Virginia Foxx thought Matthew Shepard's death was a hoax. You should go buy a Miley Cyrus album, because the uber-Right are going to try boycotting her soon for her support of Marriage Equality.
Finally: Two Stanford University students created this awesome video send-up to some famous music videos--all in the name of trying to get people to understand why Marriage Equality is so important!