How equal are we after 100 days? 0%. All he needs is to push ONE SINGLE FREAKING THING through to his signature and he'll get 12.5%. Dear president Obama: Don't forget that the gays played NO SMALL PART in getting you elected. And we'll turn on you faster than we turned on skinny ties.
U.S. House debating HATE CRIMES NOW! Arlen Specter left the Democrats the first time in 1965 because they turned a blind eye to gay witch hunts. Will he support full LGBT inclusion under the law now that he's back? Is the Traditional Value Coalition dishonest or dumb?
In NEW HAMPSHIRE, watch the Senate debate... WAIT A MINUTE, IT PASSED! COLORADO Partners benefits bill expected to be signed by Governor Ritter.
Miss Cali-phobe and NOMNOMNOM are joining forces--who didn't see THAT one coming. Straight homophobes just don't get the joke. I thought that Manhunt and to mention craigslist--made gay cruising in parks obsolete. In Champaign all it took was some guy getting decapitated by a samurai sword. Check out Brokeback Mountain: Christian Edition--"The only man that its OK for another man to love, is Jesus."
My friend "C" from Days of Marriage told me to check out this amazing Katy Perry video. I love Katy Perry AND music videos, but I don't have cable, so I don't SEE music videos unless someone sends them to me. Thanks gym buddy! And it includes a WACKY WAVING INFLATABLE ARM FLAILING TUBE MAN!