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National: How Justice Souter evolved into one of the most pro-gay SCOTUS Justices ever.

White House Watch: Is Obama ignoring Human Rights?

Party Time: James Carville, top Democratic strategist, defies conventional wisdom and says that Republicans can't survive without the Religious Right. Maybe he's trying to sabotage them? Bobby Jindal will join Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, Mitt Romney, Sean Hannity, and good ole Newt Gingrich at a 'Value Voters' Summit, September 18-20.

State2State: MAINE MADE IT HAPPEN! The Marriage Equality Bill is now passed, and heads to Governor John Baldacci--who is unlikely to veto the bill, but may not sign it either. ALL EYES ON NEW HAMPSHIRE tomorrow, as the House is expected the pass the bill, but no-one knows what Governor Lynch will do! Check out the NEW HAMPSHIRE Freedom to Marry Ad, and you be the judge. Challenge to WASHINGTON's Domestic Partnership expansion. In WASHINGTON D.C, Marion Barry must be smoking prostitute crack again--the Marriage Equality Bill PASSED TODAY--initially unanimously, and then on a revote with one against--Barry. Apparently the first time he didn't know what he was voting on. I really just want to hammer home how crazy he is. Now he's warning about a Civil War over Marriage Equality. CALIFORNIA Marriage Equality supporters are waffling between 2010 and 2012 for a re-vote on Marriage. Democrats and LGBT Leaders alike are leery of a 2010 vote--with a tight Governor's race expected. They'd rather see a Democrat-friendly 2012 wait. Should CALIFORNIANS have to wait for Equality, though?

Off the Map: Strange Uber-Christian, Tiny Tim, on masturbation. Generations disagree on Marriage Equality. Marie Osmand--mother of a lesbian daughter--hints at being of two minds on Marriage Equality. Apparently, WE are intolerant because we think its hypocritical to milk the media and grasp at fame by discriminating against people based on your interpretation of the bible--after you've paraded your nipples for all of horny gross old man America to see. See what Maggie says. However, despite all of the antics, Miss Cali-phobia still has time to tweet Joe.My.God to say how pathetic he is.



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