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CLOSING TIME 519 - Quick updates, and how we can make Obama move.


WHITE HOUSE WATCH: The Pentagon has officially stated it has "no plans" to repeal Don't Ask Don't Tell, though they've had initial conversations with the White House. The Courage Campaign has added 120,000 signatures to its petition to save Lt. Dan Choi's job--ADD YOUR NAME TO THE LIST! Anderson Cooper takes the White House to task AGAIN on Don't Ask Don't Tell, and seems to be painting Tony Perkins into a corner! Meanwhile, my old Representative, Rep. John Conyers of Detroit, Michigan, says he has enough votes to force a Judiciary Committee vote to overturn the Defense of marriage Act (DOMA)--AND QUEER BLOGGERS ARE MAKING SURE THE PRESIDENT DOES NOT FLIP FLOP ON DOMA--YOU MUST READ THIS!!! Conyers was one of only 67 Representatives to vote against DOMA 13 years ago. You may remember him when he told Michael Moore, "Sit down son..." Members of Congress "...don't read most of the bills" that come before them. Obviously HE read that one, saw it was a stinker, and STILL thinks so... unlike the other 350 Representatives that voted for it after obviously just skimming.

STATE2STATE: Tomorrow (Wednesday), NEW HAMPSHIRE's full legislature will vote on Governor John Lynch's amendments to the Marriage Equality bill. No word on when that will finally get to the Governor's desk. Christine Quinn, Speaker of the NEW YORK CITY Council, spoke with NEW YORK STATE Senate leader Malcolm Smith and members of the Senate about passing the House's Marriage Equality bill, and came back from Albany feeling very optimistic. PENNSYLVANIA is facing an anti-Equality Constitutional Amendment vote in their legislature. It won't pass, but it sure is interesting.

OFF THE BLOTTER: NOM's trying to sound sane... trying being the operative word--read this 'rational' argument against the rational arguments for Marriage Equality.

FINALLY: ME ON THE RADIO: I'm going to be on the AZ-based radio show, Lundon Calling with Ace Lundon, on Wednesday, May 20 at 7:00pm Pacific. Make sure you have either Windows Media Player, WinAmp, Quicktime or RealPlayer first. Go to, or click this link to take you to the show page. From there, look on the right side menu for "**Listening Live" If you use WinAmp, click the WinAmp stream link. If you use WMP, click the WMP stream link. If you use RealPlayer, click the RealPlayer stream link. And if you use Quicktime, click the Quicktime stream link. It might prompt you to do something like download something or open software or something like that. I assure you that Ace is not trying to put malware on your system. You can also listen to the show after the fact in a podcast form a few days later at this link here. I believe they're posted on Sundays. I'll let you know.

If you're Eastern time, tune it at 10pm.
If you're Central time, tune in at 9pm.
Mountain time, 8pm.
Pacific time, 7pm.

If you're an International reader of Ameriqueer, thank you! you will probably be able to figure out the time yourself!

UPDATE: Ace and I talked on the phone today. If you're having trouble connecting to the stream, EMAIL THE WEBMASTER IMMEDIATELY! If they're having stream trouble, they need to know right away.



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