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Today I'm starting a new semi-daily news rundown called the Happy Hour review.  I'm hoping I'm able to get it out by 5pm every day, but of course that won't always be possible.  

We're going to hit all of the good gay news of the day in an easy to follow after work format.  Enjoy your major stories with your martini. 

Today was a DOOZIE of a day in gay news, though, so I'm going to run this up in two parts.

So, without further adieu:

What is NOM?  Baby, don't hurt me... no more.  If you haven't caught it yet, NOM is the National Organization For Marriage, who spent over $1 Million on one of the corniest campiest commercials ever.  Last week, Steven Colbert took NOM to the cleaners with his parody of their spot, and now Frank Rich rips them apart in the New York Times.  Dozens upon dozens upon dozens of fantastically funny people have created their own parodies.  

We're also learning more about NOM's spokesperson, Damon Owens, an Opus Dei fanatic who has some questionable ties to some really weird beliefs on sex and spirituality.  

Meanwhile, while NOM buddy Maggie Gallagher prefers polygamy to gay marriage; another NOM board member--and scion of Mormon prophet--QUITS as things start to flounder quickly for NOM.  Meanwhile, while NOM begins thier Two Million For Marriage (2M4M) campaign, their efforts are already falling apart as a gay marriage proponent already owns known as TWO MEN FOR MARRIAGE!

The Illinois Family Institute removed their video protesting the Day of Silence, and advocating for support of bullying and harassing kids who don't conform to traditional standards of masculinity or femininity or who may be questioning their sexuality.  When the bullied stand up about being bullied, apparently its silencing the bullies, and that's just wrong.  Then again, why are comments disabled on their video?

Kanye West says he was humbled by being called a gay fish by South Park last week.  Kanye West is notable because he's recently revealed that people should start using "that's so gay" as a compliment and he was the first major hip-hop star to about four years ago come out against homophobia and gay-bashing in hip-hop music.  Then again lyrics in last year's "Stronger" include the word "dyke," but, I can't complain too much, as it leads my work-out mix list.   And further in entertainment news, Gus Van Sant's Taking Woodstock about the gay organizer of Woodstock is on its way!  I really like this new Progressive ad campaign with century old same-sex affection!



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