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Happy Hour Roundup-Marriage Equality GALORE!


I'm not disliking Perez Hilton's new role as Marriage Equality posterboy. He may not have been the most likely candidate, but he's certainly got the nation's ear, and he's not doing bad! Meanwhile, the other judges are speaking out in his favor--all while Miss California U.S.A. considers legal action.

On the Marriage Equality Front: The Log Cabin Republicans have gained assurances that NEW YORK GOP leadership in both the Senate and the Assembly will encourage Republican lawmakers there to vote their conscience, rather than by the party rule-book. I'm liking Log Cabin more and more every day--and so is Deb Price, one of my favorite Detroit News columnists! This will make life a lot easier for Bloomberg and Patterson. ONE IOWA has launched a state-wide Ad-Campaign on Marriage Equality to prevent a Prop 8 Situation there. The NEVADA Senate is sending a Domestic Partnership bill to the House that would allow many of the same benefits of Marriage. LOUISIANA is seeing its first lawsuit on behalf of a New Orleans couple denied Marriage Equality there. In VIRGINIA 2 out of the 3 Democrats running for their party's Gubernatorial nomination already support or "are evolving" in support for Marriage Equality--and the third one wants to help us get some rights. NEW HAMSHIRE GOP Chair Sununu (say that three times fast) calls Marriage Equality "garbage." But who's surprised?

In Marriage Equality non-specifics: Queerty presented some myth-busting today: How Marriage Equality WON'T affect churches. I think I already posted a version of this, but its worth revisiting. Just in time, as the arguments against Marriage Equality get more and more ridiculous! Look at NOMNOMNOM!

In other news: thankfully, the police are getting involved in the child exploitation case of "ChristianU2ber" an "ex-gay" 12 year old whose YouTube account has created quite a stir on ALL sides of the 'ex-gay' issue. Meanwhile the ACLU has earned an Arizona student the right to express himself at school. Sexy LGBT author and activist, Wayne Besen, blogs about where our LGBT rights groups are failing us in the area of violence prevention, and what he sees as the solutions. However, the Task Force has just released a statement that they are taking on the Iraqi abuses! Joe.My.God tells us about Ex-Gay activist, Dr. Warren Throckmorton's recent evolution on the subject of 'Christian' bullying, and how its riling up the Religious Right. PENNSYLVANIA'S bill prohibiting discrimination based on Sexual Orientation or Gender Identity looks tied up in committee. NEW YORK's Assembly is passing their just passed Transgender Protection bill up to the Senate. Nate Silver explores whether or not Republicans are falling in line behind Ron Paul. Here's some information on America's first Transgender mayor, Stu Rasmussen!


Finally, Please read this blog post that my friend posted recently about arguments in favor of committed consummated monogamous same-sex relationships. Once and a while the Bible is used for good rather than to hurt!



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