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HAPPY HOUR ROUNDUP 424 -New York is back on, New Hampshire say back off, and we go way back for a history lesson.

LGBT Rights groups in the U.S. are standing up for Iraqi gays. The HRC is reportedly putting pressure on the State Department to do something for these persecuted people.  The gay community isn't exactly squeaky clean all of the time--but we're good people and we want to talk about and help alleviate some of the darker issues facing our community.  These mothers are taking their tragedies and turning it into good to stop anti-gay bullying.  

Flip-floppin Bishop's testimony in MAINE.  The ALABAMA House has passed a resolution honoring Miss Cali-phobe. If there was any doubt that this is the most backward state in the Union, here's your proof. NEW YORK's Congressional Delegation has one more Democrat. Also, Marriage Equality may be back on in NEW YORK.  FLORIDA's Broward County is upping the reward to bring to justice the attackers that recently beat two gay men. Bad news from the NEW HAMPSHIRE SENATE JUDICIARY COMMITTEE.  However, the NEW HAMPSHIRE Speaker of the House thinks that discriminating against Transgender citizens is wrong.  Is CALIFORNIA heading towards a Constitutional Convention to clean up that document, or even throw it out completely and start over?  If so, we hope they completely chuck Prop 8.  

Michelle Obama attended John Barry's swearing in as the head of the Office of Personnel Management for the White House yesterday--the highest ranking gay in the Executive Branch.  A sign of things to come from the new LGBT Republican group, GOProud.  

Even though this story is awesome, our tribe wasn't always fighting for Marriage Equality.  At one point we were just fighting to survive.  Michael Urie is staring in an Off-Broadway production called The Temperamentals about the first real gay rights organization, the Mattachine Society. Though wider recognition as a legitimate group of people in a legitimate struggle didn't come until the 70s, Mattachine stood up and took us a long way. Unfortunately--despite all of the good they did--after the Stonewall Riots, things moved so fast, the Mattachines were seen as obsolete and not revolutionary enough. Their leader, Harry Hay, went on to found the Radical Faeries and is one of the great heroes of the LGBT rights movement.

Earlier I wrongly labeled Taking Woodstock as Gus Van Sant's upcoming pic.  Its Actually Ang Lee's.  Its tough, because they both do such AWESOME gay films, but Ang Lee went to UIUC, so I should know better.  SORRY ANG!



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