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Rick Santorum: God’s gift to President Obama

Initially I wanted to write about the resignation of Utah's pro-gay Republican Governor, Jon Huntsman, who is now the US Ambassador to China, or about Focus On the "Family"'s budget deficit forcing them to hand over their "ex-gay" conference, '"Love" Won Out' to "Exodus" International.

But this is too good to be true.

Apparently Rockin' Rick Santorum is tossing his hat into the Republican nomination ring for 2012, and I just can't WAIT to tell ALL of my Republican friends to vote for him in the Primaries! This crazed lunatic is someone that most of the people on the RIGHT like to keep at arm's length, let alone mainstream moderate America. While other gays are starting to panic at the thought of a Rick Santorum presidency, I'm reveling in the idea of a Rick Santorum presidential campaign!

If you were lost in the woods for years and years, and only emerged after the 2006 elections, you might need to be told that Rick Santorum was once a Republican Senator from Pennsylvania who held the seat that Blue-Dog Bob Casey now controls, and made himself QUITE famous for taking every chance he could to focus on how gays were ruining America… and then he did something magical. He compared LGBT relationships to bestiality in the mainstream media—notably not the first person to do so, but probably the first since 1985. This was 2003. In fact, he thought that the repeal of sodomy laws would lead to "man-on-dog" sex. Man. On. Dog. He said that, not me.

He makes no secret of his hatred of gays. Luckily for us, he also makes no secret of being a nincompoop. Even conservatives at Fox didn't know how to positively spin Rick's famous words.

And now we'll be hearing all sorts of gems coming from him as he tries (and fails) to become President!

Now, when seemingly rational people are out there trying to convince people not to support Same-Sex marriage for this reason or that, there is certainly a backlash, and it leads people in the middle to believe that they're less for Equality, rather than more for Equality as they believe if the only messages are more positive. However, there is a threshold where this no longer works. Take Sally Kern or Fred Phelps, for instance. Even these two people elicit What-The-Fucks from the general public when they talk. Rockin' Rick is one of those people.

That's why the fuck Bob Casey has his job!

I remember when I met Bob Casey while lobbying congress in D.C. It was VERY early 2007. February or March. There were tons of lawmakers at this LGBT lobbying reception, but one stood out among all of them. He was going around as if he'd just been told he won the lottery, in a sort of smiling haze, thanking everyone he saw for coming. I realized that this man—Bob Casey—knew exactly why he has his job: these people in that room did all they could to get him there, and boy did they!

And they did it because Rick Santorum is a total dumbass.

If anything good comes from this, its that we gays and lesbians will remember why (most of us) voted for Obama in the first place. Sure he's disappointed us, but he's a HELL of a lot better for us and for the country than Rick Santorum. It will solidify a second term for Obama for sure, because very few people in their right mind could call themselves a moderate and vote for such a nutjob. Obama will take the center once again.

In her column on, Ali Davis says of Santorum:

But we don't have to be afraid, and we don't have to be angry. Let's be hilarious instead.

Santorum's foray into Iowa is all about testing to see whether he can be a serious candidate for the Presidency. We must show the nation that Rick Santorum is a man who cannot be taken seriously.

It's not going to be hard – Dan Savage has already done marvelous work in making sure that Santorum's name has become synonymous with an unpleasant sexual byproduct.

But we can do more. Much more.

And Rick Santorum will help us, because he is ridiculous.

We're talking about the man who thinks the Koran is written in a language called "Islamic."

He suggested we keep the Iraq War going because it keeps the metaphoric "Eye of Mordor" on Iraq and not us.

He implied that the abuse scandals involving Catholic priests in Boston may have happened because there are so many liberals there

Poor guy. We're about to Rick Roll him like no one's been Rick Rolled before!


Josh said…
You've got exactly the right attitude! This is why I would go to work for Sarah Palin in 2012. If these people get the nomination, moderates would either have to stay home or be forced to vote Democratic. God, I love the American political system.
Ameriqueer said…
Thanks for following the blog, Josh!
jim d said…
love this article... so true... the guy is nuts... every time his name is mentioned all i can think of is this:
Upon their son's death, Rick and Karen Santorum opted not to bring his body to a funeral home. Instead, they bundled him in a blanket and drove him to Karen's parents' home in Pittsburgh. There, they spent several hours kissing and cuddling Gabriel with his three siblings, ages 6, 4 and 1 1/2. They took photos, sang lullabies in his ear and held a private Mass.

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