(10:34:10 AM) philipot00 [Auto-Response] now I'm leaving. Bye Champaign! See you Monday!
(7:25:34 AM) clararinwd70 Whats up?!
(10:34:24 AM) clararinwd70 hey there cutie???
(11:57:13 AM) clararinwd70 who is this again? Sorry I don't recognize the name lol
(11:57:13 AM) philipot00 [Auto-Response] now I'm leaving. Bye Champaign! See you Monday!
(11:57:28 AM) clararinwd70 Oh Ok LOL,Nice!how you doin??
(12:46:10 PM) clararinwd70 I'm actually working right now what are you doing exactly??
(12:46:12 PM) philipot00 [Auto-Response] now I'm leaving. Bye Champaign! See you Monday!
(12:46:25 PM) clararinwd70 nice, nothin I work from home just starting doing these cam shows :) It's pretty fun actually lol
(12:46:26 PM) philipot00 [Auto-Response] now I'm leaving. Bye Champaign! See you Monday!
(12:46:39 PM) clararinwd70 I am a little busy right now cant really talk here but I would LOVE if you came to watch and give me some company, and maybe a GOOD rating ??
(12:46:39 PM) philipot00 [Auto-Response] now I'm leaving. Bye Champaign! See you Monday!
(12:46:52 PM) clararinwd70 well I think i have my free friend's pass lyin here one sec babe.. I mean would you want it??
(12:46:53 PM) philipot00 [Auto-Response] now I'm leaving. Bye Champaign! See you Monday!
(12:47:05 PM) clararinwd70 are you busy?
(12:47:05 PM) philipot00 [Auto-Response] now I'm leaving. Bye Champaign! See you Monday!
(12:47:21 PM) clararinwd70 yup, I do got another pass left!..YAY.. just please don't tell anyone else I can get in trouble. What color panties should I put on for you sexy, i'll let you pick! LOL
(12:47:21 PM) philipot00 [Auto-Response] now I'm leaving. Bye Champaign! See you Monday!
(12:47:32 PM) clararinwd70 k lol .. You joining me ? ;)
(12:47:33 PM) philipot00 [Auto-Response] now I'm leaving. Bye Champaign! See you Monday!
(12:47:47 PM) clararinwd70 Ok, go to http://**********.com/KENDRA scroll all the way down to the bottom babe, and you will see "friends of KENDRA", click that and when you get the password page, put in the password:"mom" okay?
(12:47:47 PM) philipot00 [Auto-Response] now I'm leaving. Bye Champaign! See you Monday!
(12:48:01 PM) clararinwd70 yup, fill out your info, make sure you put your correct b-day k?
(12:48:01 PM) philipot00 [Auto-Response] now I'm leaving. Bye Champaign! See you Monday!
(12:48:14 PM) clararinwd70 k, if you entered as my friend, it should say 0.00, if so you are good for my free friend's pass dont worry about the autorenew the pass cancels all charges
(12:48:14 PM) philipot00 [Auto-Response] now I'm leaving. Bye Champaign! See you Monday!
(12:48:29 PM) clararinwd70 CC is just to verify your age hun,its the sites policy to ensure no minors get access to the site .. i gave u my free friend's pass :)
(12:48:29 PM) philipot00 [Auto-Response] now I'm leaving. Bye Champaign! See you Monday!
(12:48:41 PM) clararinwd70 ok let me know when you get in so I can invite you directly to my cam.
(12:48:41 PM) philipot00 [Auto-Response] now I'm leaving. Bye Champaign! See you Monday!
(12:48:53 PM) clararinwd70 k, you in yet babe?? Don't keep me waiting!
(12:48:53 PM) philipot00 [Auto-Response] now I'm leaving. Bye Champaign! See you Monday!
(12:49:05 PM) clararinwd70 k
(12:49:05 PM) philipot00 [Auto-Response] now I'm leaving. Bye Champaign! See you Monday!
(12:49:19 PM) clararinwd70 k when u login click LIVEWEBCAMS and I'm the girl on the top row farthest to the left. There's a chat there so I'll see u there babe ... maybe u tell me what to do ;)
(12:49:19 PM) philipot00 [Auto-Response] now I'm leaving. Bye Champaign! See you Monday!
(12:49:32 PM) clararinwd70 k
(12:49:32 PM) philipot00 [Auto-Response] now I'm leaving. Bye Champaign! See you Monday!
(1:34:45 PM) clararinwd70 :(im still waiting sweetie! if you cannot sign up on my first site, please click this link: http://tinyurl.com/FUNCHIC and when you see the secret code box put in: adminpass09
(1:43:59 PM) philipot00 [Auto-Response] now I'm leaving. Bye Champaign! See you Monday!