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Same Sex Sunday: DOMA decision, the Today Show, Hawaii Veto, and more

Same Sex Sunday: DOMA decision, the Today Show, Hawaii Veto, and more | The Bilerico Project:
"Last week was a roller coaster ride for the LGBT community. We started off with more than disappointing news that Hawaii's Governor Lingle vetoed the civil union law. On Same Sex Sunday we interview Lambda Legal's Jenny Pizer who will discuss a pending lawsuit to challenge the veto. Good news ended the week with with the Federal court decisions striking down section 3 of DOMA. Pizer shares her incites on this decision.

The community also celebrated the Today Show's change of heart when they opened up their wedding contest to gay and lesbian couples. We spoke to the Crate and Barrel wedding contest's second place winner Jonathan Howard about how he used social media to draw attention to the Today Show issue. He also discussed how GLAAD worked with NBC.

This week's round table, Metro Weekly's Senior Political Correspondent Chris Geidner, National LGBT Advocate Meghan Stabler, and founder Syd Zeigler discuss all of that and more, on this weeks' episode.

Listen to it all after the jump..."

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