Supreme Court: Colleges Can Discriminate Against Groups that Discriminate « Feast of Fun:
So what do you think? Should the CLS be allowed to discriminate, or should they be beholden to the University's non-discrimination rules if they want University benefits? Comment on my latest over at the Feast of Fun and tell me what you think.
"This year, the Roberts court has been pretty good to minority populations–especially the gays. Must be the down-to-earth, common sense latina wisdom that they finally have in the mix.
In a 5-4 decision, yesterday with Justice Ginsberg writing, the Supreme Court sided with the University of California’s Hastings College of Law against the militant Right-Wing hate group the “Christian” Legal Society who had been denied registered organization status and benefits because they don’t allow non-Christians, gays, pro-lifers, etc… to join. Heck, even the Republicans let us in, give me a break..."
So what do you think? Should the CLS be allowed to discriminate, or should they be beholden to the University's non-discrimination rules if they want University benefits? Comment on my latest over at the Feast of Fun and tell me what you think.