My newest post is about the sanest person ever! On opposite day!
Either this is the best joke ever, or we've got ourselves a nut! | The Bilerico Project:
Check the video out and the rest of the post at! There are LOTS of videos of this crackpot there!
Either this is the best joke ever, or we've got ourselves a nut! | The Bilerico Project:
"Hi-Caliber rapped on camera for progressive blogger Max Blumenthal at the 2009 Conservative Political Action Conference. You know. CPAC. The one being sponsored this year by GOProud but not letting them say anything. That conference.
The former New Jersey construction worker told Blumenthal that he was converted to Conservatism when his radio broke in his car and became stuck on's best friend, Michael Savage. I think I'd go crazy too if all I was able to listen to was Savage Nation. Henceforth, Hi-Caliber--Mr. Conservative--has set out to be the first conservative rap star.
His first music video was filmed at this spring's 'teabagger' march on Washington. Check out the diversity! They actually found one non-white person and got so excited they showed him twice! Once from the front and once from the side, to make you think that it wasn't just a sea of crazy caucasians. The earbuds sort of give it away though."
Check the video out and the rest of the post at! There are LOTS of videos of this crackpot there!