Whenever I record an episode of Lundon Calling with Ace Lundon and Lance Helms, I generally end up in tears, doubled over in laughter at some point. If you don't know him, Ace is a pretty goofy guy. An old-school activist from way-back-when, and an Entertainment Business legend; he's been in the business for longer than God. He knows how to get a laugh. He knows everyone, and he's always got a silly anecdote.
Last night, Ace recorded his first "remote" episode from Reno, Nevada where Ace spent several years in the 80's with his partner of 13 years, Patrick. We were joined, as usual by Lance Helms in Atlanta, as well as Ace's friend in Reno, Angela Brooks. We started recording an hour later than usual, and our producer, "Spiderman," warned me in advance that we weren't going to be watching the clock--which made me a little cranky.
Despite that, last night I ended up in tears anyway... and not from laughter...
Continue reading my newest Bilerico post: A Very Special Recording with a Very Special Guy.TOAST TO THE VERY SPECIAL ACE LUNDON!