Check out my guest post at Generation Gossip!
Generation Gossip: Phils Coming Out:
"As we drove back from the gas station, Easter Sunday 2004, I knew I had to tell my dad. I'd come out in high school to my friends and teachers and even some neighbors, and was rising in the leadership levels in the Gay-Straight Alliance back at Central Michigan, we're I'd be heading later that day after family dinner at my grandparents'. But I'd yet to come out to anyone in my family, and I'd come home this Easter vacation with that specifically on my agenda.
Thursday it hadn't happened. After planning for two weeks to go have coffee and Krispy Kreme with my dad on Thursday night when I drove into Detroit for the holiday, I had dreamed that we'd split a half-dozen, there would be tears and coffee and in the end we'd drive home after making peace.
But when we arrived at Krispy Kreme, my father's motor mouth took over and I couldn't even get a word in edgewise. He told me about the crazy stuff happening at work, funny stories from the old folks back at the church, my sister's first year in High School, family gossip--anything but the fact that I was gay and needed him to know..."
Generation Gossip: Phils Coming Out:
"As we drove back from the gas station, Easter Sunday 2004, I knew I had to tell my dad. I'd come out in high school to my friends and teachers and even some neighbors, and was rising in the leadership levels in the Gay-Straight Alliance back at Central Michigan, we're I'd be heading later that day after family dinner at my grandparents'. But I'd yet to come out to anyone in my family, and I'd come home this Easter vacation with that specifically on my agenda.
Thursday it hadn't happened. After planning for two weeks to go have coffee and Krispy Kreme with my dad on Thursday night when I drove into Detroit for the holiday, I had dreamed that we'd split a half-dozen, there would be tears and coffee and in the end we'd drive home after making peace.
But when we arrived at Krispy Kreme, my father's motor mouth took over and I couldn't even get a word in edgewise. He told me about the crazy stuff happening at work, funny stories from the old folks back at the church, my sister's first year in High School, family gossip--anything but the fact that I was gay and needed him to know..."